

of Queensland's cane land is
accredited in Smartcane BMP

Smartcane BMP is about
celebrating the way you farm

Becoming accredited
in the three core
modules is still the
gold standard for
Smartcane BMP.

Since 2014, Smartcane BMP has been working with cane farmers across Queensland to record and verify their practice improvements. This has helped set the record straight and secure growers’ reputation as stewards of the land.

We’ve focused on the three core modules of BMP so growers can become accredited and be independently recognised for their management of soil health and nutrients, irrigation and drainage, and weeds, pests and diseases.

Becoming accredited in these modules remains the gold standard for Smartcane BMP. And we’ll continue to focus on supporting growers to assess their practices, and collect and collate farm records and other required evidence to achieve accreditation.

Accreditation Pathway

1. Registration

Yet to register? Click on the register button or contact your local Smartcane BMP Facilitator for assistance to understand the pathway to accreditation.

2. Self Assessment

Want to benchmark you on-farm practices against industry best practice? Click on the grower home button to complete the modules' self assessment or contact you local Smartcane BMP Facilitator for assistance. The minimum requirement for accrediation is modules 1-3.

3. Pre-audit

Ready to move towards accreditation? Ensure all relevant documents and supporting evidence are available for assessment by your Smartcane BMP Facilitator.

4. Audit

Your pre-audit demonstrates that you meet all industry standards, what's next? An on farm audit will be conducted by a third-party auditor. Ther auditor will assess you practices and evidence provided against the Smartcane BMP industry standards.

5. Need Help

Working towards accreditation but unsure how to proceed? Contact your local Smartcane BMP Facilitator to help you reach your goals. Facilitators can provide you with record keeping tools and other resources to help you achieve accreditation.

6. Accredited

Have you considered benchmarking your business against the Smartcane BMP non-core modules? Click on the grower home button or speak to your facilitator to find out more.

Registration to Accreditation Checklist

Our network of facilitators with a wealth of industry expertise and Smartcane BMP know-how are here to assist you on your Smartcane BMP journey. Click here to find your nearest facilitator.

Contact your local facilitator

Alternatively, please call the Brisbane office via info@smartcane.com.au or by phone: +61 7 3864 6444 to find your nearest contact.


Module 1
Soil health and nutrient management

Different regions, soils and weather means best-practice techniques look different for everyone. This module covers ways you can measure nutrients in soil and determine the right amount to apply. It also goes through use of fallow. This includes growing legumes to boost the levels of nutrients in the soil and to help break pest and disease cycles.

  • Managing Compaction
  • Trash Management
  • Fallow Management
  • Preparing Land for Planting
  • Tillage Management In-Crop
  • Managing Salinity and Sodicity
  • Soil Sampling and Analysis
  • Calculating Optimum Nutrient Rate
  • Calibration of Application Equipment
  • Record Keeping
Module 2
Irrigation and drainage management

Water drives most chemical and physical processes in soils, plants and the atmosphere—so efficient water use is a win-win situation for both your crops and the environment. This module covers ways you can boost your profits and productivity by saving electricity, saving water and reducing loss of chemicals and nutrients in run-off and deep drainage.

  • Calculating Amount of Water to Apply
  • Calculating How Often To Apply Water
  • Seasonal Water Allocation Management
  • Run-Off and Deep Drainage Management
  • Recycle Pits
  • Irrigation Water Quality Testing
  • Using Effluent Water for Irrigation
  • System Managment
  • Surface Drainage System Design
  • Subsurface Drainage System Design
Module 3
Weed, pest and disease management

Using pesticides and herbicides responsibly is essential so we can have continued access to these products and secure your reputation as a steward of the land. This module covers selecting the right products for your farm, understanding the product’s label requirements and any regulations. It also covers the timing and method of applying chemicals to avoid loss into waterways and other environments.

  • Canegrub Management
  • Rat Management
  • Other Pests
  • Weed Management
  • Disease Management
  • Product Selection
  • Chemical Storage, Mixing and User Accreditation
  • Chemical Application and Record-Keeping
Module 4
Pathway to sustainable sugar

This module provides accredited growers with the additional criteria required by global sustainability standards. This module covers the labour management, workplace health and safety and environmental factors you’ll need.

  • Business Analysis
  • Legal Obligations and Clear Title Resources
  • Monitoring Production and Quality of Cane
  • Investment in Research Extension
  • Labour Management Obligations and Systems
  • Employee Training, Learning and Networking
  • Risk Management
  • Training and Supervision
  • First Aid Kits and Provision
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Incident Reporting
  • Access to Drinking Water
  • Risks to Natural Resources and the Environment
  • Greenfield Expansions and Other Major Projects
  • Monitoring Greenhouse Gas, Acid Rain Emissions and Primary Energy Efficiency
Module 5
Planting and harvesting

Planting success has a major effect on farm profitability for the subsequent 4–5 years. This module covers the industry best practice for planting, including choosing the variety of cane and using clean seed. The module also covers efficient harvesting—many growers are requesting their harvest contractors to vary the harvester set-up and speed to reduce harvest loss and minimise effects on crop regrowth.

  • Farm Map
  • Farm Design
  • Variety Management
  • Clean Planting Material
  • Billet Quality for Planting
  • Time of Planting
  • Planting
  • Loss Minimisation
  • Minimising Stool Damage at Harvest
  • Block Selection for Harvesting
Module 6
Farm business management

Knowing how your business is performing, and which factors are driving your profits, reduces the amount of guesswork around cashflow, profitability and your cost of production. This module covers business performance, succession planning and goal setting.

  • Legal Obligations and Clear Title to Resources
  • Business Goals and Plans
  • Financial Risk Management
  • Succession Planning
  • Monitoring Production and Quality of Cane
  • Business and Financial Records
  • Cash Flow and Business Analysis
  • Business Decision-making
  • Investment in Research and Extension
  • Labour Management-Obligations and Systems
  • Employee Training, Learning and Networking
  • Employee Roles and Responsibilities
Module 7
Natural systems management

Most farms have wetlands, waterways or riparian zones which are critical to the farm’s surface drainage. Some farms also have patches of native vegetation. This module covers ways you can protect the natural systems on your land and how these systems can make contributions to conserving native species.

  • Mapping and Recognising Natural Features
  • Levees, Bunds and Crossings
  • Retaining and Connecting Native Vegetation
  • Enhancing Habitat Value of Natural Features
Module 8
Workplace health and safety

As a business owner, you have legal obligations to minimise the risks you and your workers are exposed to. This module covers these obligations so you know the documentation and processes you need to have in place. And there are many useful resources to help you ensure the risk of injury on your farm is kept as low as possible.

  • Awareness of Workplace Health and Safety
  • Risk Management
  • Consultation
  • Training and Supervision
  • Worker Induction and Records
  • Visitor Induction
  • Emergency Response Plans
  • Remote or Isolated Work
  • Child Safety
  • First Aid Kits and Provision
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Environmental Hazards
  • Incident Reporting
Soil health and nutrient management

Look at ways to improve soil health and overcome constraints to yield.

Learn more about Module 1
Irrigation and drainage management

Increased efficiency means power savings, water savings, and reduced risk of chemicals and nutrients leaking from paddocks.

Learn more about Module 2
Weed, pest and disease management

This module covers selecting the right products for your farm, understanding regulations and label requirements, and methods of applying chemicals.

Learn more about Module 3
Planting and harvesting

Looking at the bookends of crop management, this module covers best practices for planting and harvesting.

Learn more about Module 4
Farm business management

Understand how your business is performing by looking at cost of production, cashflow and profits, and make plans for the future.

Learn more about Module 5
Natural systems management

Protect the wetlands, waterways, riparian zones and native vegetation on your land to conserve native species.

Learn more about Module 6
Workplace health and safety

Take advantage of useful resources that clearly describe your responsibility for workers, contractors and visitors, and help you take appropriate actions to meet your obligations.

Learn more about Module 7
Pathway to sustainable sugar

For accredited growers, this module covers the additional criteria required for global sustainability standards.

Learn more about Module 8
asked questions
What we do
with your data