Smartcane BMP Home Page
Smartcane BMP is an industry led, government supported world-class best practice system for cane growing across Queensland. CANEGROWERS has secured $3.5 million funding for development and delivery of a Smartcane BMP program in partnership with the Queensland Government. The Smartcane BMP program will give growers an opportunity to showcase that they manage their industry at best management standards.
Grower participation in the Smartcane BMP program is entirely voluntary. The Smartcane BMP Program is designed to support your business productivity and profitability. It also supports stewardship and the level of industry involvement in the Smartcane BMP program directly relates to the Queensland Government’s commitment to roll-back industry regulation.
Growers have to achieve accreditation in the following three modules:
- Drainage and Irrigation
- Pest, Disease and Weed Management
- Soil Health and Plant Nutrition Management
for the Queensland Government to roll-back industry regulations. Note: growers who do not use irrigation in the production of cane do not have to complete the irrigation section of the module.
Start or continue a self assessment
Take a look at what’s in the modules
If you just wish to take a look at what is in the modules without conducting a self assessment, click on one of the module links below
Seven BMP modules are included in the Smart BMP program aimed at addressing whole of farm operations. These include: